First things first: the Facts

Need a diversion? Grab some popcorn and view these 3 minute educational videos explaining the facts and facets of Oregon’s oil re-refineries. It doesn’t take a petroleum engineer to know that it is not in the best interest of Oregon to allow these oil re-refineries to continue to run rogue.

  • Episode 1-Intro

  • Episode 2-A Decade of deception

  • Episode 3-PAHs that should give you pause

  • Episode 4-Stack testing? Yes please

  • Episode 5-Let’s call it what it is

  • Episode 6-coming soon.

In an upcoming video, I’ll address the illegal tank of PCBs onsite. It’s a shell game that APES/ Clear Lube and ORRCO are playing. They point fingers at each other, but anyone who touched it is responsible according to federal regs. In the meantime, the vulnerable tank of PCBs sits openly at the plant near the Columbia River, not behind any containment berms that tank farms are supposed to have. In case of flooding, puncture, ground settling, natural disaster, the upcoming earthquake*, or even terrorism, the tank farm is vulnerable. (*As was mentioned in other public testimony at EQC meeting yesterday)
This is a huge risk to the public, the environment, the DEQ and EQC.

2 thoughts on “First things first: the Facts

  1. To Ms. Putnam: My name is David Lioyd Merritt. For about twenty five years I ran the water taxi/
    pilot boat Triumph IV in the Portland/Vancouver harbor and anchorage. In the old days before West Marine drive was extended past Portland Road, the only way to get to Suttle Road moorage where we docked the boat
    was to take Suttle Road west to the moorage turn. In 1985 ORRCO was known as
    Merit Re-refining. No relation! Believe me, that funky stink has been wafting over Portland for a
    long time. I didn’t chart the oppressive smell but it was obvious that it was often being gassed off
    in the O dark hundred hours, when we often worked. Give me a call if you choose for a little more
    history of polluters and the river.


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